Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Hendrick" video!

As you read in one of my previous posts, my class had a scorpion named "Hendrick". Well, I found some videos of "Hendrick" when I went through my Dell Netbook, and thought you would like to see my best one. Both of them are "Hendrick" under a blaclight. They are pretty boring, but you see more than just the scorpion at points. What's in the tank, How what's in the tank looks in the blacklight, and you get to hear all 27 of my classmates talking and conversing on how the "prettiness" makes them want to pick Hendrick up. At one point in the video you can hear a student ask: "Doesn't that make you want to pick it up?!" with a sarcastic and then serious reply of: "Yeah! No." To which the student replies: "Oh."

Here is the video with the "prettiness" conversation. I have to say, from the moment I saw "Hendrick" I wanted to pick him up, but our teacher wouldn't allow me anything but putting in water and crickets while "Hendrick" sat in the corner where the water was to sit and tried to climb on me. I think he knew if he crawled far enough up my arm he could escape. But I always pulled him out of the way with a pencil or something nearby.  That "Hendrick" was a real tough guy for sure!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Mantis on my Porch

I was out back today, and noticed that my backyard frog was out yet again. I looked over where our porch light is wired in and noticed a beautiful green Mantis sitting on the wall. I was surprised at the color because I live in a desert and most of the Mantids I see are dark or light brown. Either that, or they are some weird variation of green that looks more like a really dirty swamp. I took the chance I had, and took a few pictures. Some of them aren't very clear or good, but I did what I could to get them clear enough to see.

Here's a shot from the front. It's not very clear because the poor little guy was getting freaked out with my cat and dog sniffing around and moving around quite a bit.
After the animals went in and I calmed the little guy down, he allowed me to get closer.
Here's a picture to show how big the little guy was compred to my finger.
Here's a picture from the top, slightly angled.
A side picture.
This picture was also taken from the side, but is blurry because my little sister came out and spooked the poor guy. I have to say that (besides the one I saw three years ago) all the Mantids I have seen here in Arizona haven't ever been this colorful.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Class Scorpion He Named Hendrick.

Down in the 100 building of Florence High School awhile back, a student found a large scorpion. It was put in a small clear tank and transported to the science room. The student decided that until it was released, the scorpion was to be called "Hendrick" (you catch it you name it). My science teacher has some pretty odd rules, right? Here are some pictures of "Hendrick" the scorpion.

From the top, with flash.
From the top, however this was not taken with flash.
From the side, no flash. I have to say, this guy was as big as my hand! He was a pretty awesome for being such a cocky little guy. The biology teacher continuously poked the poor thing with his pen and was fascinated by how much venom came out in one sting. My history teacher who just so happened to have been there had him by the ear dragging him to the nurse so she could check for stings. (Wouldn't he have felt it? I mean speaking from family experience (dad, "sister", and roommate) it's not exactly lime stepping on a thumbtack... I've heard that they burn like your foot has been doused in gasoline and lit on fire. Not very pleasant if you ask me. ANYWAYS, moving on. "Hendrick looked really awesome in a blacklight.

Sorry, but all the kids crowding around and talking really loud, freaking him out. Even my two best pictures are blurry. 
I was very upset when "Hendrick" died, as he would always want to climb onto my hand when I changed the water for my teacher. I have no clue why, but I have accidently crushed dozens of scorpions with my bare feet in the dark and never been stung. Either that or I didn't feel it. (impossible) I'm pretty sure that if it hurts when I step on a tack, the sensation everyone describes would have been acknowledged. But, whatever, I really don't care. Well, that's all for now, I'll post something soon!

Me, my house, and what's in it.

You have probably noticed that I haven't yet posted pictures of my house and pets, so I took the opputunity this morning to take som picures of around the house.

Here is the front of the house.
The backyard.
Right view from sidewalk in front.
Left view from the sidewalk. Like I thought, there wasn't really much to photograph since the house was filled with boxes. (We are moving.) I was going to post some pictures of my bedroom, but it was a disaster and I almost stepped on an unwanted pest. I did not photograph it, however. It seemed ready to strike at any moment, and was very angry that I dropped a camera on it. OOPS!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Woke him up.

I was spraying off our back porch when I noticed I had accidently awakened a desert frog that had been hibernating by the porch.

He was the largest I've seen yet, but they can get bigger.
I got him just as he was blinking.
He's kind of pudgy, don't you think?
He seemed mad in this picture. That was my thought about it.
The little guy was getting a bit sleepy, as the water was drying up fast.
One last shot before he shut himself off from the world in his hole. I wish I could do that.